The Guardian newspaper


World Book Day | Some great nature books

As its World Book Day – here are some books that I would recommend for your reading pleasure, for the nature lover …. including Diary of a Young Naturalist Best nature books    Wild Child by Patrick Barkham review – why children need nature From blackberry picking to digging a pond … a perfect lockdown reminder of how having fun outdoors is essential for children, in cities as well as the countryside Alice O’Keeffe There is a certain grim irony...

2020 review : people, Nature, coronavirus

The earth from space – above – might give the impression of ‘life as usual’ … this year of 2020 has been anything but! The truth, I would argue, is hidden in plain sight. We know of the completely tragic human consequences; let’s remind ourselves of what happened in Nature – arguably some ‘good news’ ? Here’s my review of some key news items… The Guardian reported how diseases spread more rapidly , when Nature is damaged : The human...

Reducing plastic bags not enough

From shocking footage of an albatross chick killed by a plastic toothpick to images of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and recent coverage of the increase in litter left behind by visitors to the British countryside during the pandemic, there is no shortage of evidence of the harm and ugliness caused by plastic – reports The Guardian ( ) Public awareness of the problem has grown rapidly over recent years in many countries, and led to new legislation. But while environmental organisations work hard...

Turtles on the beach!

When Kosum Kao-Uthai’s family noticed mysterious imprints in the sand outside the hotel resort they own in Koh Samui, she knew exactly which animal had paid a visit. She remembered spotting the same marks, left by a nesting sea turtle, when, as a teenager, she helped her father farm coconuts on the island. Kosum hadn’t seen another for five decades. Yet, this year, as the coronavirus pandemic emptied Thailand of tourists, nests belonging to endangered hawksbill and green turtles cropped up...

Why we need sharks

Why did dolphins get Flipper while sharks got Jaws? These majestic, diverse animals bring balance to the ocean ecosystem – and they’re in grave danger ( source : The Guardian) But if all you knew about sharks you learned from Hollywood, you’d think they were aquatic horrors. Sharks have a film genre all their own: there are movies about ghost sharks and zombie sharks, sharks that squirt acid, killer sharks that swim through sand or snow, and a staggering six...

Koalas face extinction?

Koalas will be extinct in the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) by 2050 unless there is urgent action, an inquiry has found. The once-thriving marsupial has been ravaged by habitat loss, disease and climatic events in recent years. About 5,000 koalas are thought to have died in devastating recent bushfires, the report to state parliament said. It urged lawmakers to ensure that remaining populations did not perish in rapidly diminishing habitats. IFAW – International Fund for Animal Welfare...

UK nature needs help!

United Kingdom top environmental groups say that a ‘National nature service’ is needed to help spur recovery of local wildlife and habitats, reports the Guardian newspaper. The coalition has drawn up a list of 330 projects that are ready to go, including flower meadows, “tiny forests” in cities and hillside schemes to cut flooding. It said a service to fund the projects and train workers would create 10,000 jobs and be part of a green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic....

Marine pollution and Coronavirus

More masks than jellyfish : coronavirus waste ends up in ocean, reports The Guardian ‘Conservationists have warned that the coronavirus pandemic could spark a surge in ocean pollution – adding to a glut of plastic waste that already threatens marine life – after finding disposable masks floating like jellyfish and waterlogged latex gloves scattered across seabeds. ‘ As a carer in a nursing home, I fully appreciate the essential need for what are called PPE – personal protective equipment. Masks...

Ancient city discovered

Archaeologists discover ‘amazing’ details of Roman city, reports The Guardian Archaeologists have mapped a complete Roman city for the first time using ground-penetrating radar, revealing highly detailed images that they say could revolutionise our understanding of how such sites worked.  As well as a bath house, theatre, shops and several temples, the team from the universities of Cambridge and Ghent have discovered a large public monument of a kind never seen before, which may relate to the religious practices of...


As bats are getting a hard time – with their connections to Coronavirus- these already creatures shouldn‘t ‘require’ any clarifications but ‘Just because’ here are some facts and myths exploded… The Guardian sets the record straight about bats and coronavirus Top ‘Bats’ websites Bats Conservation UK has many excellent resources / twitter @_BCT Bat Conservation International the United States based website / @BatConIntl Bats and flying foxes rescue (Australia) Australasian Bat Society / twitter @AusBats...