

Marine pollution and Coronavirus

More masks than jellyfish : coronavirus waste ends up in ocean, reports The Guardian ‘Conservationists have warned that the coronavirus pandemic could spark a surge in ocean pollution – adding to a glut of plastic waste that already threatens marine life – after finding disposable masks floating like jellyfish and waterlogged latex gloves scattered across seabeds. ‘ As a carer in a nursing home, I fully appreciate the essential need for what are called PPE – personal protective equipment. Masks...

Seas online resources

Though schools are very slowly ‘getting back to normal’ , there have more and more groups putting their best resources online for free. Here are oceans, seas and coasts groups…. Surfers against sewage – SAS – are focused one of the greatest outdoor classrooms – the beach! See their digital ocean school Whilst Marine Conservation Society is NOT undertaking their normal Cool Seas programme, they have instead Cool Seas Webinar as well Oceans Schools Resource Hub The Shark Trust has...