

Dolphins found with contaminates!

Florida scientists have found human-made pollutants in the blubber of whales and dolphins – however these were not the main cause of the animals becoming stranded. About 500 whales and dolphins strand themselves every year – no one knows exactly why, although theories abound. Researchers found a wide range of substances- PCB, DDT, NPE ( found in food packaging). ( source and full article- https://www.insidescience.org/news/research-shows-range-contaminants-blubber-whales-and-dolphins ) *** A future blog will look at whale strandings...

Marine pollution and Coronavirus

More masks than jellyfish : coronavirus waste ends up in ocean, reports The Guardian ‘Conservationists have warned that the coronavirus pandemic could spark a surge in ocean pollution – adding to a glut of plastic waste that already threatens marine life – after finding disposable masks floating like jellyfish and waterlogged latex gloves scattered across seabeds. ‘ As a carer in a nursing home, I fully appreciate the essential need for what are called PPE – personal protective equipment. Masks...