Indigenous people


Indigenous peoples day

Many might know today as Columbus Day, which celebrates the Italian explorer’s arrival to America in 1492. But to many others, today is Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a counter-event that honors Native Americans whose lives were destroyed by colonial rule. Indigenous Peoples’ Day has been celebrated since it was first introduced in 1977 at an indigenous conference but took over a decade to be officially acknowledged and remains overlooked. Today, the artist-founded initiative For Freedoms is launching a country-wide billboard project honoring the...

Indigenous languages vital

As the world responds to the state of race relations in United States of America, I focus on the importance of Indigenous languages and groups working to raise awareness and take positive actions “When you drink water, think of the source” (Chinese proverb) Most indigenous languages are in danger, even though they are the main conveyors of knowledge that provide original solutions to contemporary challenges. “The major influence on the sorry state of their languages is the fact that indigenous peoples...