

Indigenous languages vital

As the world responds to the state of race relations in United States of America, I focus on the importance of Indigenous languages and groups working to raise awareness and take positive actions “When you drink water, think of the source” (Chinese proverb) Most indigenous languages are in danger, even though they are the main conveyors of knowledge that provide original solutions to contemporary challenges. “The major influence on the sorry state of their languages is the fact that indigenous peoples...

Archaeology Week in Australia

National Archaeology Week (NAW) in Australia – May 17 to May 23 – which aims to put ‘archaeology in the spotlight’ , is (of course) fully online this year due to coronavirus. NAW has 4 prizes : Best online event or content People’s Choice.  Nominate and vote for your favourite via social media. Bake It and Make It.  Bake a stratigraphic layer cake, french knit a scale bar, the only limit is your imagination.  Post a photo of your creation...