Plant Tuesday | About the Brisbane Botanical Gardens



Did you know? 

Part of the riverside site where the gardens are located was originally a botanic reserve. It was established in 1828 to provide food for the early penal colony.

The City Botanic Gardens officially opened in 1855. That year, the botanic gardens’ curator Walter Hill was appointed as the first superintendent. He began an active planting and experimenting program. This included:

trialing crops and plants from around the world to determine their suitability for growing in subtropical climates
introducing mangoes, pineapples, pawpaws, custard apples, sugar cane, tobacco, ginger, coffee and many types of nuts and grape vines to Queensland
establishing ornamental plant collections in the gardens for visitors to enjoy
Major redevelopment of the gardens took place in 1987. Redevelopments included building an information centre, upgrading the paving and converting the former curator’s residence into a restaurant.


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