Of amazing – and threatened – lemurs


In Recognition of world Lemur Day

When I worked at Wellington zoo, in New Zealand, one of the nice things was to be able to interact with the superb and amazing Lemus…

Lemurs are wet-nosed primates of the superfamily Lemuroidea, divided into 8 families and consisting of 15 genera and around 100 existing species. They are endemic to the island of Madagascar. Most existing lemurs are small, have a pointed snout, large eyes, and a long tail. ( wikipedia )

No…. lemurs are not monkeys and you may see zookeepers grimace a little at the comment. Not all primates are monkeys, but all prosimians, monkeys and apes (including humans) are primates. Lemurs fall into the primate family of prosimian, along with tarsiers, lorises and galago’s.

* Lemurs Are Inappropriate Pets

The Lemur Conservation Foundation is often asked whether or not lemurs make good pets. Based on information from our conservation partners and the scientific community, LCF does not support lemurs as pets. We are pleased to share the reasons why primates do not make appropriate pets.

Numerous scientific organizations oppose pet primates

98% of over 100 lemur species are threatened with extinction 

* Conservation news : Lemurs

Almost a third of lemurs and North Atlantic Right Whale now Critically Endangered – IUCN Red List



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