Seagrasses hidden, vital marine habitat


It’s Seagrass Awareness Month

( images from Pew Trust )

Seagrasses support commercial fisheries and biodiversity, clean the surrounding water and help take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Because of these benefits, seagrasses are believed to be the third most valuable ecosystem in the world (only preceded by estuaries and wetlands).

7 Reasons to protect Seagrass – Remarkable flora, found in waters around the world, benefits ocean health and people

The Pew Trust on why Seagrass is so important:

1. sea grasses are diverse

2. Seagrasses are ecosystems engineers

3.  20% of world’s largest fishes depend on seagrasses

4. seagrasses naturally improve water clarity

5. seagrasses capture carbon

6. seagrasses protect shorelines

7.  Seagrasses are nature-based solution to climate change


Importance of Seagrass in habitats – when eco-systems break down, Shark attacks become a HUGE issue here …USA

Seagrass in the UK


Some Charities saving Seagrass

Project Seagrass 

Ocean Conservation Trust 

Dugong Conservation


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