Hebridean Trust marine programs benefits 10, 000 school children


“10,000 school children have now taken part in educational programmes run by conservation charity the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT).

The Trust has been inspiring children to cherish their marine environment for over 15 years, with over 200 schools having taken part in the charity’s educational programme since 2005.

Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have supported the charity, raising £80,000 through four grants since 2017 to support the development and delivery of new and immersive learning experiences that bring the marine environment to life for children in coastal communities.

The Trust’s latest creative project – funded by People’s Postcode Trust and Sea-Changers – has been to launch the best of their education sessions online, working with schools and home educators across Scotland and England.

Based around the Trust’s research expeditions, these digital sessions introduce the amazing diversity of whales, dolphins and sharks in Scotland, and give children a glimpse into what it is like to work at sea, studying and protecting ocean giants. “


As an inner-city school with kids keen to find out about the ocean, the lessons really bring the experience into the classroom. An inspiring and rewarding experience. Thank you.”



More at :  https://hwdt.org/news/2021/12/20/press-release-from-the-classroom-to-the-high-seas

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