Is all well in paradise? Christmas Island locals demand a voice…


Australia is adding an area of the Indian Ocean bigger than France to its network of marine parks in an attempt to keep out international fishing boats and promote scientific discovery in two biodiversity hotspots.

The Morrison government announced $5.4m would be spent to create two marine parks around Christmasp Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands covering 740,000 sq km – a huge expanse of ocean almost as large as the state of New South Wales.

Conservationists said the promised marine parks would be a significant step for ocean protection. The government is still to decide the level of protection the region will receive, and the extent to which commercial activities will be limited.

Source:  Guardian newspaper, May 30th

  • Australian federal government has plans to establish marine parks in water surrounding Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  • Independent consultant Harriet Davies has travelled to Christmas Island to help locals have their voices heard
  • Local Azmi Yon said Christmas Island’s marine environment represents locals’ food, life and culture

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