All about whales


World Whale Day….

In New Zealand, dozens  of pilot whales stranded

“A team of experts and volunteers are racing the tides to save a pod of pilot whales stranded at Farewell Spit at the northern tip of New Zealand’s South Island.

Dozens of the roughly 50 long-finned pilot whales have already died since they stranded on Monday, and the remaining animals stayed in the shallows on Tuesday morning despite efforts to move them out to sea.

The Department of Conservation responded to the stranding on Monday afternoon with a team of about 65 people, including volunteers from the marine mammal rescue charity Project Jonah.

Rescuers managed to refloat many of the whales with the high tide that evening, forming a human chain to guide them out to deeper water. But the pod remained in the shallows about 80 metres offshore overnight as the outgoing tide worked against them.

*** here’s a collection of whale resources that are already on this blog …

Whales from space

Mass stranding in Tasmania

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